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Explora tus emociones y encuentra el equilibrio que necesitas en un espacio seguro y comprensivo.
Acompañándote con apoyo emocional y fortaleza en cada etapa del tratamiento oncológico.
Mi enfoque se centra en brindarte un espacio cálido y comprensivo, donde puedes sentirte escuchado y apoyado. Con experiencia en psicooncología, cuidados paliativos y estimulación magnética transcraneal, mi objetivo es ayudarte a encontrar fortaleza y esperanza en cada etapa de tu vida. Juntos, podemos trabajar para mejorar tu bienestar emocional y calidad de vida.
Años De Experiencia
Padecimientos Tratados
I was really struggling with relationship issues and didn't know where to turn. After a few sessions with a couples therapist, my partner and I were able to work through our problems and communicate in a more healthy and effective way. Our therapist was amazing and provided us with the tools and strategies we needed to build a stronger, more loving relationship
I had been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for years and was convinced I would never be able to overcome them. But my therapist was incredibly supportive and helped me to identify my triggers and develop coping mechanisms. Thanks to her guidance and expertise, I now feel much more in control of my life and am able to handle stressful situations with much more ease
I've been seeing a counselor for a few months now to help me work through childhood trauma and grief. My counselor is so compassionate and understanding, and has created a safe and supportive space for me to explore my emotions and memories. Thanks to her help, I've been able to process some of the most difficult parts of my past and move forward with a greater sense of peace and clarity